GD-GDA Classified Personnel – Support Staff Positions

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

All classified staff positions in the school system shall be established initially by the Board. All paraprofessionals who provide instructional support for students in Title I School-wide Programs and Targeted Assistance Programs shall meet the qualifications set forth in federal law and regulations. Support staff employees, unless otherwise designated by contract, shall be considered “at…

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GDAAA-R Business Manager/Administrative Assistant Job Description

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: • Is directly responsible to the Superintendent for planning, organizing, coordinating, administering, and evaluating the business and financial operations of the District. • Establish a program of accounting that records in detail all expenditures and revenue that meets accepted accounting principles. • Serves in the capacity of Secretary to the School…

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GDAA Definitions

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

1. A full-time classified employee is one who works at least 30 hours per week. 2. A part-time classified employee is one who works less than 30 hours, but more than 10 hours per week. 3. An hourly classified employee is one who works at an hourly rate on a demand basis as determined by…

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GDQD Discipline, Suspension & Dismissal of Support Staff

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

Support staff employees, unless otherwise designated by contract, are considered “at will” employees who serve at the pleasure of the Board and have only those employment rights expressly established by Board policy. Support staff members will be employed for such time as the district is in need of or desirous of the services of such…

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GDBA Classified Salary Compensation and Personnel Topics

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

For the purpose of this policy, the terms non-certificated and classified are synonymous. The terms refer to those individuals employed by the district who are not required to have a teacher/administrative certificate to qualify for the position. Either term may be used to include those persons employed by the school district in the following capacities:…

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GDC-1-R Certified/Classified Employee Tuition Reimbursement

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

Miami-Yoder School District JT-60 Rush, CO 80833 Name of Employee: ____________________________________________ Date of Application: ____________________________________________________ University/College: _____________________________________________________ Degree Program entered: ________________________________________________ Date Completed: _______________________________________________________ Course(s) Name and Description: _________________________________________ I have read Miami-Yoder School District JT-60 Board Policy GCBB-1 and acknowledge that resignation from the district within the reimbursement time frame may result in repayment…

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GDC Classified Employee Tuition Reimbursement

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

In order to encourage the advancement of classified employees to remain current in their respective education fields, to encourage classified employees to seek degrees that will benefit the instructional processes in the district, and to encourage the retention of classified employees who have sought said instruction and degrees, the Board of Education will pay tuition…

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GDBAB Transportation Staff Compensation and Personnel Topics

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

Transportation staff will include the following categories: Route Drivers- refers to drivers who drive regular before and after school bus routes. Shuttle Drivers- refers to drivers assigned to transport students to special education programs, deliver students on reduced classroom schedules to and from school, and other miscellaneous transport of students as program needs require. These…

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GDE-GDF Support Staff Recuriting/Hiring

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

The Board shall establish and budget for classified positions in the school district on the basis of need and the financial resources of the district. Recruiting The recruitment and selection of candidates for these positions is the responsibility of the superintendent or designee who must confer with principals and other supervisory personnel in making a…

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GDD Vacations for Classified Personnel Working on a 12-Month Basis

On July 24, 2014 By Miami Yoder JT60

Regular classified personnel working on a 12-month basis are eligible to receive one week (equivalent to 40 hours) of paid vacation in the employees first year of employment, two weeks (equivalent to 80 hours) of paid vacation in the second year of employment, and three weeks (equivalent to 120 hours) of paid vacation in their…

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