It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to welcome you to Miami-Yoder School.

We are extremely proud of the programs we offer our students. Students can assure their success by accepting academic challenges in a responsible way. Remember that your child’s success in school will be directly proportional to their efforts and your support. Students CAN be successful if they think they can!!!

Any school is the reflection of the students, staff, and community. The Miami-Yoder School is no exception. Our school is a reflection of the Rush-Yoder area. Our school belongs to the public…it’s your school. The educational programs, activities, and employment opportunities offered by the district are offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status or handicaps. The faculty and administration are willing to discuss student educational progress or any portion of the school’s educational program with its patrons.

Whether you are joining us for the first time or have been with us for a number of years, we encourage you to become an active member of Miami-Yoder School. Our “Commitment to Excellence” is our promise to you, and our expectation of every student.

Thank you for your support in making each school year successful and enjoyable.

Once again, welcome!

Sheila Hartley

Elementary Principal