2020 Youth Basketball Information Flyer


All 3rd Grade – 5th Grade Students


Practices will begin the second week in November; days and times will be determined by coaches.

Games Scheduled:

  • December 12th and 19th
  • January 9th, 16th, and 23rd


$35 per child, $5 discount for each additional sibling Payable to Miami-Yoder Payment is not required until the first practice


Coaches and Referees are volunteers from our community (TBA after sign-ups) Please contact Erin Book if you are interested in volunteering

What to Wear:

Each player will need a pair of gym shoes. Uniforms will be provided and must be handed in at the end of the season.

COVID considerations:

Players will not be required to wear a mask while playing. Basketballs will be assigned to each team and will be sprayed with disinfectant spray after each practice and game. Spectators will be asked to wear a mask for games as well as follow social distancing guidelines established by each school.

How to Register:

Go to the Miami-Yoder Youth Sports page to register Please complete registration by Friday, November 6th

Questions? Concerns?

For more information, please contact Erin Book via email @ book38505@gmail.com OR call/text (719) 331-7061

Grades: Elementary

Athletics: Youth Basketball